To make things simpler, rather than reviewing on a whole. I'm breaking this review into around four micro-reviews.
First and foremost, I give you
Batman Arkham Asylum-
The first installment of the Batman Arkham Saga was really expected to be a flop by much of the community. I mean lets face it, Batman hasn't had a great track record as far as video games are concerned.
Cartoons? Amazing. Movies? Hit and miss, but for the most part people love them, or at least, love to hate them. But you would be hard pressed to find someone who actually says they've enjoyed any previous Batman games.
To get things started, I have to honestly admit that when I started this game, and I heard Batman speak... I was hit with a huge rush of nostalgia.
I mean how can I not? It's Kevin Conroy! For anyone who doesn't know who that is, he's the voice of Batman in Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, The New Batman Adventures, Justice League, and DC Universe Online. To sum it up, this guy IS Batman.
Now, hearing Kevin as the Bat brought back great memories, but what really hit home for me was Mark Hamill reprising the role of the Joker. He was dark, he was funny with a hint of creepy, and he actually brought that character to life in a way that I hadn't seen from the animated series and movies.
From the jump, this game captured my attention and I can honestly say I wasn't disappointed with the overall experience.
The voice acting was superb, the graphics [
at the time] were breathtaking, and the feeling that I got from the game just felt amazing.
Now for gameplay.
I'll admit, going back to this one after playing Arkham City and Arkham Origins... It feels sort of choppy and hard to play. But when I first played it [
all 10 times], it was the best control I'd felt from any game I had played. All games prior, I felt like the motion, the combat, the overall control was just... lacking something. If you turned to sharply you hit a wall, or if you didn't hit the button just right or stand in just the right place your options would just disappear. But with this game, none of that. Batman moved the way I wanted him to. The only mistakes I made as far as attacks were caused by my own forgetfulness [eg. Which button was it to use my batclaw?]. This game just felt so smooth and easy to play.
The story.
I don't even want to get started on the story because I know I'll bore everyone to tears. But alas, I have to in order to give a proper review [
even though I feel like this has already gotten away from me].
I have to say, I'm a sucker for a great story. Whether it be from a tv show, movie, video game, whatever. If the story isn't good, I typically don't like it. So to say that the story for this game was amazing is a huge compliment from me.

You start off just dropping Joker off at Arkham Asylum. No big deal
right? Kinda routine for Batman at this point if I'm going to be completely honest. But something's up, clearly. I mean, how can we have a video game without some kind of struggle? Joker just led an attack on Gotham City Hall, taking the mayor as a hostage, only to be stopped by Batman [
duh] and brought to the asylum. So why are we starting this with a victory? Answer: We're not.
Batman peaks our interest with one statement,
"He surrendered almost without a fight. I don't like it."
And boom, Joker breaks free of the cuffs and springs his trap on Batman, dropping us right into the gameplay [
thankfully without any mind-numbing tutorial level], leading us through the halls of the seemingly abandoned asylum, and bringing us deeper into the lore.
We find things that we aren't supposed to understand. We see things we've never seen before. And above all, we're kept on our toes as we never know what's going to happen next.
At this point we get a taste of what's to come. A laundry list of Batman villains, expandable combat and strategic gameplay, classic and newly created gadgets, and an experience that will stick with you for quite some time.
On top of the main story, we also get small side stories happening all throughout the island. We get to learn the origins of Harley Quinn. We have to solve the Riddler's, well, riddles. We even find audio tapes all throughout the island that help us better understand the monsters we encounter.
As for the Riddler's challenges, I have to admit, they kept me going back to the game for about a week of collective gameplay before I found them all, only to see, or rather hear, what happened to the great Edward Nigma [
Every last bit of this game just drags you deeper into the universe. With every solved riddle, we get a character bio, a challenge map, or an audio tape. Something to tell us a story. Something to tell us more than we already know.
This combination, topped with the amazing gameplay and storytelling made for a great start to a great series of games. Hell, to give video game purists everything they asked for, Rocksteady even finished everything off with the classic final boss fight and the one thing nobody expected,
"This isn't even my final form!"
I personally give the game an
8/10. Docking two points only because there were honestly some bugs that irritated me throughout the gameplay, and because in my mind Rocksteady owes me a new Xbox 360 controller because of that damn game-breaking moment that started a Scarecrow dream sequence. I stopped playing for a month when it happened because I thought my disc was messed up, and after the third time watching it happen, I threw my controller. So yeah, there's that.
Batman Arkham City-
The prodigal son returns in a blaze of 3D animated glory. New story, more villains, and a better chance to see just how Batman earned the title "World's Greatest Detective."

Everything starts with Bruce Wayne campaigning for the Mayoral position of Gotham City, claiming that this new Arkham City area
posed a great threat to the safety and security of the people of Gotham.
All of a sudden Bruce is being attacked by
TYGER guards and being thrown in prison. Now I have to admit, this left me pretty confused, but as I learned in the last game, never expect to know everything that's happening as it happens. You'll just hurt yourself.
Well soon afterward we get thrown into the gameplay. Fighting Penguins goons [
Cobblepot being voiced by Nolan North = perfection], scaling buildings, calling Alfred for assistance, the whole nine.
What we find beyond the protected walls of Arkham City is a shadow of the rich city of Gotham. Criminals running the streets even more than they did before being locked up. Uneasy alliances, and murder scenes left untouched as police are not required to enter the walls. The only monitoring being helicopters that only attack if they're told to.
We start this game with more gadgets than the previous title, and I would be lying if I said they didn't come in handy. And I have to say, the larger map and free roam are far better than the last installment. As impressed as I was with Asylum, City topped it almost ten-fold.

The combat, as amazing as I found it previously, was greatly enhanced.
The gliding made better by the heights you could glide from, and how you could easily launch yourself into a glide with the Batclaw. This game truly makes you feel like Batman if
you're immersed deep enough into it.
The Riddler challenges have been changed, offering more of a challenge. There are riddles that play out like missions, where if you don't solve the puzzle, someone dies. Hell, even after a couple years of having this game, I still haven't found all of the trophies, all of the riddles, or even come close to getting 100% on this game. It's that much of a challenge.
Zsasz leads you on what feels like a wild goose chase through the city, answering payphones, finding bodies, and tracing the calls in hopes of finding him somewhere.

Spoiler alert] Batman finds bodies with their faces removed all over the city, only to find that Hush is behind the murders,
stealing their faces to make his own look like that of Bruce Wayne.
The story takes you on twists and turns you wouldn't expect, and takes
you to places that seem insignificant to the overall story, but actually
have a rather large impact in the long run.
We go from thinking Hugo Strange is the force to be reckoned with, then somehow the plot has something to do with Catwoman, and suddenly we're realizing the Joker is up to something. Then all of a sudden we're being convinced that Penguin is the real threat because Joker is too sick to do anything. Now we're working with Freeze, and then BAM! Ra's Al Ghul comes into the lineup before we're suddenly launched back at Hugo Strange, only to be redirected to a seemingly healthy Joker has been running things from the shadows all along. Just... What?
And of course, we see the mantle of Harley Quinn handed down from the original actress, Arleen Sorkin, to the widely talented Tara Strong, who absolutely nails the character.
Taking the player to Wonder City and the streets of old Gotham, meeting Ra's Al Ghul, having multiple villains with multiple goals, and seemingly endless side missions, and one of the greatest climaxes in video game history [
in my personal opinion anyway] keep people wanting to come back and play.

Honestly, if I hadn't sold my Xbox for grocery money I would probably be playing this game right now. I actually kept the game even though I have no means of playing it.
If you haven't played this game, you're seriously missing out on a really fun experience.
I give Batman Arkham City a
9.5/10 for being absolutely amazing, wonderfully confusing, and infinitely fun.
Batman Arkham Origins-
Welcome back, or rather, welcome for the first time, to Gotham City.
The solo project by WB Montreal to keep us hooked on the Arkham franchise had one and all excited, even with the "change" of studio. [
I put change in quotations, because WB Montreal has been working on the franchise from the start, but Rocksteady just stepped aside this time].
Let me just start by saying that I was heartbroken when I heard one piece of news regarding this game. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill would not be reprising the roles of Batman and Joker. Instead they would hand the reigns over to Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker to play the roles of younger versions of these iconic characters. Both of these men do an amazing job, and Troy established my undying faith in his abilities with this role, but I am glad to hear Kevin is coming back for Arkham Knight. [
And lets be honest, while Troy was awesome as Joker, Mark was a better singer using the voice. I'm just saying "Only You" was better than "Cold, Cold Heart." and I don't mean the DLC]
On top of everything else, the designs of some characters have changed. Like Black Mask for instance. While he was featured briefly in Arkham City, I was unhappy with his design. However, the recreation in Arkham Origins was great. The mask was menacing rather than goofy, and it didn't have skin and hair poking through. He was the Black Mask we deserved to see all along. And Batman having a more Nolanverse, Dark Knight-esque suit made me more than a little happy, although I still love the previous suits. But I digress.

We start this game with a Batman who only has a few years under the
cowl. More rough around the edges, and tougher on criminals. I mean, when in the last two games did we see Batman drop a criminal straight from a rooftop, seemingly to his death? Never, that's when.

So as we begin we notice that it's clearly Christmas in Gotham. There are lights, trees, decorations, everything. And what should happen on Christmas Eve? Oh just a group of assassins getting sent after Batman for 50 million dollars. Nothing big.
The list of assassins hired by the Black Mask, Roman Sionis, only
happens to include Bane, Copperhead, Killer Croc, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Shiva, Electrocutioner, and Firefly. All formidable opponents.
Well... Except Electrocutioner. [
Just... Way too easy to beat]
But there's another issue with this. Black Mask is supposedly dead? Killed just a few hours before Batman hears word of the hit on his head. So who's pulling the strings? Black Mask wouldn't fake his death like that. Not when he has a goal like killing Batman on the line.
Well, come to find out, as with the previous two games, Joker is running things from the shadows again. Only this time he's disguised himself as Black Mask, and even trying to lay the part. But as it often goes, he gets bored and reveals himself. [
But honestly I have no complaints about this. Any excuse for Joker is alright with me]
Sadly on the gameplay side of things, we don't see much innovation. Granted, the new feature of Detective Mode was amazing. I love being able to rewind and recreate a crime scene to see what happened. It helped me understand better and just made more sense. But honestly, the combat system hasn't changed, the gadgets are the same, the only things they added that were worth anything were the electric

gauntlets. Everything else was just a carbon copy of Arkham City.
Which in retrospect I guess was better than just changing everything
and ruining it, but I just wish they would have done something more with it. In all honesty, playing this game just felt like playing a big DLC for Arkham City.
This was definitely a solid effort from WB Montreal, i'm not saying they didn't do a great job. This game just didn't do anything different aside from the larger map, Batcave, Fast Travel, and giving Alfred a face.
I wish I could say more about this game, but it just feels like i'm going over Arkham City all over again. I mean, the Enigma Packs are basically Riddler Trophies and too easy to find and obtain. Anarky is a joke of a villain and the hardest part about dealing with him is beating the clock to race across the city and stop a bomb from blowing up a landmark [
which in the end was not difficult, the time-crunch was just stressful].

No villain in this game gives a very significant challenge other than the assassins [
mostly Deathstroke], making this game somewhat boring as those encounters are few and far between.
Batman Arkham Origins gets a
7.5/10 from me, just because they didn't do enough to set it apart from the other games, Not explaining the fact that in the future [Arkham City] so much technology is new, but suddenly you have more and better technology [up to and including said brand new tech from Arkham City] in the past. And for not telling anyone this isn't the origins of Batman, but rather the origins of Joker, Harley Quinn, Barbara Gordon [
A.K.A. Batgirl/Oracle], and The Riddler.
Just FYI, that .5 was only because they attempted to add multiplayer. Not because it was good, beause it wasn't. Just the sheer fact that they tried]
Batman Arkham Knight Trailer-
This part seems more like opinions and fangasming than reviewing, but I still felt it was important so I left it in since it's still part of the Arkham Saga]

I'll be honest, even after the disappointment I felt after playing Origins, Arkham Knight has me legitimately excited. Leaving behind Joker
leaves a hole in my clown-loving heart, but keeping Harley around and making Scarecrow a more serious threat to the city has me feeling all warm and tingly inside.
This new Batsuit truly shows just how done "playing" Bruce really is, and that excites me. There won't be any holding back, and even though he loves Gotham, he's not holding back
from plowing through a few obstacles to get across town in the Batmobile. Everything about this game SCREAMS finale from what I can see, and honestly I can't wait to play it.
As for the Arkham Knight himself, I can't wait to find out what his deal is, because there is so much speculation it's not even funny anymore. I just want to wait and see like they're hoping we will. Granted, the ideas people have seem pretty awesome and I love reading them, I just hope people don't see the truth coming, because I feel that if people can figure it out, it wasn't a big enough mystery. So hopefully Rocksteady has done a good enough job of covering their tracks.
I'm definitely looking forward to the gameplay though. The addition of the Batmobile is one thing I've been waiting for. I wanted it in City and Origins, but I guess leaving it out kind of made sense. And the Fear Takedowns really look like they're going to change things. Rather than still having to punch the hell out of the last goon in the area, he flips out, panics, and Batman can use that to his advantage and get the KO or you can use it to drop in and take down multiple armed thugs, rather than trying to take out each one individually every time. To me, that feels like the extra bit of BATMAN that Origins was missing. Even the gliding looks like you get more lift and duration after diving and ascending.
Overall it just looks really exciting and I feel like if this is the end of the Arkham Saga then this is them going out with the biggest bang possible and giving the fans the ending they deserve.
My hope? That maybe if Batman survives his encounter with the Arkham Knight, he retires, paving the way for a possible Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, etc. game and then later a Batman Beyond. I want a Batman Beyond game so bad I can taste it.

And the fact that Harley and Red Hood are playable through Gamestop pre-order... Just makes me so happy. It opens up the idea of alternate costumes and actually giving us the original Arkham Asylum concept and previous Arkham costumes for Harley, and maybe the New 52 comic or Under The Red Hood costumes for Jason Todd.
Alright, so I know it kinda got away from me, but any complaints about my reviews or additional points you would like to make are more than welcome in the comments section of this post.
I would just like to point out that my blog is by no means a differing-opinion-free zone. By all means, debate, add, whatever you feel you need to do. You won't be yelled at by me
although I can't promise there won't be some sort of drama from others].
All opinions are more than welcome.